Stand UP for Education: The SEED Foundation Scholarship

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Not all college costs are listed on a student’s college tuition bill. Additional costs such as textbooks, transportation, computers, housing, food, and various fees (student activity fees, lab fees, club fees, etc.) can add hundreds to thousands of dollars in unexpected costs each year.

For some students, these additional costs can mean the difference between earning their degree and accumulating debt without a degree. That’s why, since 2004, The SEED Foundation has awarded scholarships to SEED graduates to help with closing the gap between their awarded financial aid packages and their total cost of college attendance. Scholarship recipients traditionally receive up to $12,000 over four years—or $3,000 each year—to pay for college essentials. With the generosity of our community, SEED has distributed over $800,000 directly to students in need of additional financial support. 

Jackie Ndayizeye (SEED MD ’17), a senior at Stevenson University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in human services and a scholarship recipient, is one student who knew that scholarships were essential to reaching her educational goals. “I knew I would need to get as many scholarships as possible if I wanted to further my education. I also knew that without scholarships, I would end up in debt or discouraged to attend college. Unfortunately, my mom was unemployed and still is—so scholarships were my only hope.”

The SEED Foundation Scholarship is making a difference. Our scholarship recipients are graduating at nearly five times the rate of low-income, first generation students nationally! And this year, we are raising $200,000 to assist 67 SEED graduates, like Jackie, persist to college completion.

Please join us for our six-month series highlighting SEED’s scholarship recipients’ personal college experiences and the difference individuals like you have made in their journeys to college completion.

“Since I didn’t have the financial support from my mom or family, having SEED there to guide, encourage, and provide advice was a blessing. And then to receive The SEED Foundation Scholarship—it meant so much to me. I hope other students, like me, have a chance to receive the same support. I hope it encourages them to reach high and to never stop. I thank the donors that supported me and helped to make my dreams come true. I greatly appreciate it so much. One day, I will give back too.”