Harri-Anna’s SEED Journey—College Success, Remote Learning, & More

Harri-Anna is quickly adjusting to her remote learning schedule. Hear about her morning routine and the classes she’s taking this year.

“SEED is making sure we are on track with both an academic schedule and an evening program schedule. Even though we are learning from home, SEED is still requiring us to follow a routine—much like the one we would be following if we were actually in the dorms. I believe this will make our transition back to campus easy.”

All SEED scholars take Junior and Senior Seminar. In this course, students learn how to research colleges and universities and how to determine the schools that will best meet their needs. Harri-Anna’s top school is Florida State University, but she’s still weighing her options.

“Junior and Senior Seminar are two very important classes at SEED because they help the upper classmen better understand the process of getting into college. Junior Seminar is an introductory class where we learn about the requirements for graduating from SEED Miami, how to apply for scholarships, the FAFSA application, and how to pick a school based on SEED's right fit model. This class helped me understand what I would need to apply to college and how I would go about it in my senior year.”

“Now that I have started my senior year, I am excited to apply to college. I am a bit nervous, though. Senior Seminar is where we will be finalizing and applying to our list of schools and applying for the FAFSA and scholarships. Taking SEED’s seminar classes has provided me with a clear understanding of college and has furthered my realization that I truly want to go to college to better myself and land my dream career.”

Harri-Anna is confident that she wouldn’t have received a high school experience comparable to SEED’s at any other school in her community. As a SEED scholar, Harri-Anna participated in SEED Miami’s mock trial, where she got her first experience inside of the courtroom. This program is offered through SEED Miami’s sparks program, which is a component of the school’s student life curriculum.

“Since elementary school, I've always told people I wanted to become an immigration attorney because I have seen the struggles of immigrants. Being able to sit in a courtroom and to act as a lawyer for a case strengthened my interests, and I can't wait to become a lawyer and help people in need. Of course, there were moments throughout the day that I thought, maybe this is too hard, but I overcame that fear. The setting of the mock courtroom made me so comfortable. I can’t wait to start college so I can begin my journey to becoming an immigration lawyer.”

Thank you for taking a peek into the experience of a SEED scholar. With your gift, we can be certain that all SEED students—like Harri-Anna—have the support they need to move one step closer to making their dreams a reality.