Meet Our Students: SEED MD Middle Schoolers Leahnata and TJ Tejan Are Looking Forward to Their Future with SEED

Leahnata Tejan and Hadirudeen “TJ” Tejan, middle school students at SEED MD.

Leahnata Tejan and Hadirudeen “TJ” Tejan, middle school students at SEED MD.

“SEED MD has provided me with a good educational foundation. We are always reminded that going to college is the ultimate goal. This keeps me motivated to succeed. - Leahnata Tejan" 

At SEED, we believe in the importance of collaborating with families to support the success of our students. This partnership has led to younger siblings following their older sisters and brothers to SEED, earning their college degrees, and going on to have fulfilling careers. We recently had the pleasure of speaking with siblings Leahnata Tejan (SEED MD ’24) and Hadirudeen “TJ” Tejan (SEED MD ’26), who attend The SEED School of Maryland (SEED MD).  

Leahnata is thirteen years old and always puts her academics first. “I love all of my classes, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be math because of my teacher, Mr. Dorsey. He’s great!”  

Outside of the classroom, she is an active member of the African Dance and Drumming Club. Through this club, Leahnata is practicing how to deliver high-quality performances and learning about the significance of different cultural dances with African roots. “I love participating in African Dance and Drumming activities because I get to learn more about my culture.” She also had the opportunity to travel from Baltimore, Maryland to Miami, Florida to teach and perform for her peers at The SEED School of Miami (SEED Miami). “Going to SEED Miami was so fun! We got the opportunity to teach the students different rhythms and dances, and we even performed at their talent show.” 

TJ is eleven years old and began his journey with SEED this school year. With the support of his sister and student life counselor, he has adjusted very well to SEED’s boarding program. “SEED is a great place to learn. I know my sister is going to high school next year, so I won’t see her as much. But I find comfort in knowing that she is still here.”

Like Leahnata, TJ always pushes himself academically. His favorite class is English Language Arts. “Ms. Dougherty is a great teacher! I always look forward to her class because she’s very interactive with us.” He is also a member of the flag football team and has dreams of playing professional football one day. “Playing in the NFL would be great, but I know I need a backup plan. After graduating from SEED, I would also like to get my degree in nursing or become a doctor.” 

We’re so excited to follow Leahnata’s and TJ’s journeys with SEED. Stay tuned for more updates.