Five SEED DC Students Win the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship


In November, five students from The SEED School of Washington, D.C., received support from an $85,000 grant awarded to the Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) by Cedar Realty Trust. These students received stipends to help pay for college and have access to the JRF Impact Program—JRF’s newest initiative.

The JRF Impact Program offers substantive modules on strategies for college success to students across the country and is hosted by JRF scholars, education experts, and other professionals and special guests. Our students were selected to participate because of our partnership with JRF through Ivo Philbert, Vice President of External Relations & Special Projects for JRF.

Mr. Philbert was introduced to The SEED Foundation by our chief growth officer, Vincena Allen. They met at a workshop held during the College Board’s A Dream Deferred conference, which brings together professionals working to make a difference for African American students. At the conference, I attended “Bridging Student Support,” a workshop facilitated by Vincena Allen,” said Mr. Philbert.  “Immediately we connected, as our missions aligned. I later attended The SEED Foundation’s breakfast in New York City titled “College Access and Success: Key Factors in Advancing Educational Equity.” I knew then that we had to work together.”

Mr. Philbert knows how important it is to provide underserved students with the resources to gain a valuable education and earn a college degree. He believes that our College Transition & Success team is doing what’s necessary to help our scholars navigate college, which can be foreign and unwelcoming.

“SEED is doing the work! I believe in SEED’s philosophy, commitment, and approach. Any organization that is committed to the success of students, and particularly students of color, has my support. In the words of Jackie Robinson – ‘A life is not important, except in its impact on other lives.’ The people at SEED are impacting lives.”

Learn more about the Jackie Robinson Foundation’s Impact Program.

Learn more about our College Transition & Success program.