What’s It Like to Be a Sixth Grader at SEED?

Chozen Edwards (SEED Miami ‘26) is a first-year SEED student who dreams of using her voice to connect the world.

At just eleven years old, Chozen is passionate about earning a college degree. She decided to come to SEED because she wanted a precollege experience that would prepare her for the future. Yet when the school year began, Chozen faced some challenges. She has a very tight-knit family and was nervous about moving away from home. Now that Chozen has built close bonds with some of her schoolmates and educators, she’s certain that SEED is the school for her.

I really like being at SEED. This experience has helped me become less of an introvert and has brought me out of my comfort zone,” she says.

Since coming to SEED, Chozen has grown close to her student life counselor (SLC), Eboni Pierre. SLCs serve as parent figures for SEED students while they are on campus. They troubleshoot issues in the dorms and create a sense of family for their residents. “I appreciate the way my SLC speaks to us—she treats us like young adults and tries to help us reach for our dreams and goals.

Chozen especially values the variety of courses and extracurricular activities SEED has to offer. Her classes are not only preparing her for college but also giving her the opportunity to discover new talents. From the classroom to volleyball practice to the beauty club, Chozen doesn’t think she would have had these kinds of experiences at a traditional middle school.

Upon graduating from SEED, Chozen plans to study human behavior and language as a linguistics major. She dreams of traveling the world—and, one day, becoming the CEO of an international firm that assists developing and underserved communities.

When asked what advice she would give to next year’s sixth graders, Chozen says:

“Just relax. If you work hard and take advantage of what is around you, you’ll do great.”

We look forward to following Chozen during her journey with SEED!