Road-Tripping with Purpose: Part 3

Liz visits Bijion and Olatunji at Temple University

This is the third installment of SEED's College Transition & Success tales from the road, where our advisors give a first-hand account of a day in the life of a College Outreach Visit. Scroll further down our blog to see earlier adventures!

9:30am: Arrive at Temple University

Good morning SEED family! My name is Liz Middleton, and I'm a College Success Advisor with SEED's College Transition and Success (CTS) team. I've had a week of wonderful College Outreach Visits to four Philadelphia-area schools this week, and I'm excited to share my fifth and final visit of the week with you today! I am on my way to Temple University in Philadelphia, where I'll be visiting first-year students and 2016 SEED DC graduates Bijion and Olatunji. I am excited to tour campus, sit in on a class, explore on-campus resources, and have lunch with these two!

10:30am Tour of Campus with Bijion

Bijion is a first-year biology major and pre-medicine student at Temple. She is giving me a quick tour of campus before heading to take a Chemistry quiz (which I know she will ace!) We also had time to review her financial aid package and to explore work study opportunities on campus.


Ola is also a first-year at Temple and is a recently-declared Chemistry major. He walked me around campus to show me the academic buildings where his classes are held, and I got some updates on his classes this semester. I dropped him off here to take a math quiz, which he feels prepared for! Once he's done, all three of us will go out for lunch to catch up a bit more.

12:00pm: Exploring Class Registration Choices for Spring

Both Ola and Bijion participate in Temple's "Fly in 4" program, which provides academic and financial support to ensure that students graduate in four years. One perk of this program is priority course registration--they get to choose classes for next semester before everyone else! Registration opens soon, so Ola and Bijion are planning now for which classes they'll choose when it's time. We love when colleges commit to helping our SEED grads succeed! 

1:00pm: Team Lunch! (Our Graduates' Favorite Part.)

After spending all morning on campus, we are having lunch in Center City, not too far from Temple. Bijion and Ola love living in Philadelphia and have been exploring their new city whenever they have some free time!

4:00pm Farewell Hugs & Pictures

I had a great day catching up with Ola and Bijion at Temple, and I am so happy to see that they're enjoying it here. They've worked hard all week and are looking forward to relaxing this weekend! As for me, I'm headed to New England next for some more College Outreach Visits. Thanks for following today!

P.S. You can follow these adventures and lots more in real time by liking The SEED Foundation on Facebook or following us on Twitter!